Management Skills

Coaching and Mentoring

4.9 (230 ratings)

Overview (PDF)


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Learning Outcomes

Understand how coaching and mentoring can be used to develop their team
Develop coaching and mentoring skills that help improve individual performance
Demonstrate the behaviours and practices of an effective coach/mentor
Choose appropriate coaching and mentoring methods when fostering professional development in others


This programme has been designed using data from extensive research of available material, examining the overall process, roles and skills involved in coaching and mentoring and aims to provide the learner with a good understanding of the journey. NQF Level 4


1. Introduction to Coaching & Mentoring
Defining and Distinguishing between Coaching and Mentoring
The Importance of Coaching and Mentoring
Benefits of Coaching and Mentoring
Principles of Coaching and Mentoring
2. Key Factors in Coaching and Mentoring
Individual Commitment and Interest
Resources and Organisational Support
Embedding the Process in the Organisational Context
Key Requirements of Coaches and Mentors
Working Across Cultures
Important Qualities and the Role of Potential Mentees
Talent Assessment
Matching Mentees with Mentors
3. Developing your Skills as a Coach / Mentor
The Role of the Coach/Mentor
Skills and Behavioural Requirements
Coaching/Mentoring Self-Evaluation
Mentoring Relationship: The 'Lifecycle Model'
Helpful Techniques and Processes
Goal Setting
Adult Learning Principles
Code of Practice
Dealing Effectively with Challenging Situations
Marks of a Great Coach/Mentor
4. Coaching/Mentoring Models and Tools
The GROW(ME) Model
The STEER Model
The OSKAR Model
Transformational Coaching/Mentoring
POSITIVE Coaching/Mentoring Model
De Bono’s Six Hats Exercise
5. Implementing a Coaching / Mentoring Programme
Structured Programmes for Coaching and Mentoring
Conditions for Effective Programmes
Organisational Readiness Assessment
Coaching, Mentoring and Organisational Culture
Planning the Intervention