Professional Skills

Supervisory and Leadership Excellence

Put the 'SUPER' back in SUPERvisor
4.9 (153 ratings)

Overview (PDF)

R1 000.00

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Learning Outcomes

Apply the necessary skills to become a competent supervisor who understand and manage human and capital resources in a strategic rather than reactive fashion
Build more confident and self-motivated employees
Contribute to the organisation's overall mission of providing excellent instruction, modern research, and meaningful service
Sharpened verbal communication skills
Become a contributing leader/member of an organisations quality improvement team, by understanding and communicating the accepted concepts and techniques


This programme will assist learners and the company in achieving desired outcomes through focusing people on organisational visions and improving working relationships in order to boost productivity. NQF Level 4


Module 1: Defining and Developing your SUPER Power
Your Role as a SUPERvisor
Essential SUPERvisory Skills
SUPER Power Evaluation
Module 2: Lead like a SUPER Hero
SUPER Hero Evaluation
SUPER Hero Characteristics and Behaviours
Become a Self-Directed SUPER Hero Leader
Guiding Leadership Framework
Building a SUPER Team Under your Supervision
Individual Performance Management
Motivational Strategies to Empower Team Members
How to Earn Trust, Credibility and Respect
Module 3: Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Connecting Leadership and Communication
Impression Management (Body Language and Voice Tone)
Developing Assertiveness
Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback
Influencing Others from a Position of Authority
Presenting your Views and Ideas Effectively in Meetings and to Top Management
Module 4: Building Emotional Intelligence to Strengthen Leadership and Communication Skills
What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?
Developing Social Awareness to Build EQ
Signs of Emotional Development
Module 5: Effective Planning and Time Management
Defining Planning and Organising
Identifying and Minimising Time Wasters
Creating a Work-Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Planning the Use of Resources (Resource Allocation)
Prioritising Workload for Effectiveness and Efficiency
SMART Goal Setting
Effectively Managing your Work-Life Balance
Module 6: Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Defining Problem-Solving and Decision Making
Steps in the Problem-Solving Process
Integrating Ethical Guidelines in Decision-Making
Resolving Workplace Conflict
Module 7: Building an Inclusive and Harmonious Workplace
Supervisory Competencies: Leading Diverse Teams
How Inclusive are you as a Supervisor?
Strategies to be a More Inclusive Supervisor
Tips for Cross-Cultural Communication
Building a Culture of Inclusiveness with your Team