Management Skills

Building High-Performance Teams

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Overview (PDF)


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Learning Outcomes

Understand your own leadership style with the goal of more effectively leading each member of your team
Assemble and manage diverse teams to optimise innovative and high-quality outcomes
Develop effective team behaviour that enable each member to do their best
Address team challenges effectively
Develop practical skills of resolving conflict, providing feedback, and holding members accountable


This programme explores the basic concepts of team development, critical elements of high performance and common issues that teams face. It is an opportunity for team members and organisations to build healthier, stronger relationships with one another, to reaffirm their collective purpose and to plan steps to improve team effectiveness. NQF Level 4


1. Introduction
What is Teamwork?
Teams and the Organisation
Individual Behavioural / Interaction Styles
Individual / Team Roles and Behavioural Styles (Business Chemistry)
Understand the Value of High-Performance Teams
2. Leading High-Performance Teams
Leadership Self-Evaluation
Leadership Characteristics and Behaviours
Leading Others to Become Self-Directing (Achieving Results through Others)
Leadership Attributes
Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback
Communicating Openly, Honestly and Fairly
Making Decisions with Input from Others
Chairing Efficient Team Meetings
3. Developing Effective Team Behaviour
Group Performance Factors
Creating an Atmosphere of Growth
Setting Guidelines for How Team Members are to Treat one Another
Motivational Strategies to Empower Team Members
Setting Goals and Emphasising them
Understand Why Teams Fail and Learn to Avoid these Mistakes
Team Evaluation Tool to Improve Team Performance